Welcome to A Quiet Life

This space is for you if you feel overwhelmed by the noise in the world.

Everywhere we turn today, we are bombarded by messages dictating how we should look, live, and even what we should eat. These societal pressures can be overwhelming, leading us to make decisions based on others' expectations rather than our own desires. Especially in the age of technology where so many things are vying for our attention.

A Quiet Life & Wellness is about getting away from the noise in the world and carving the time and space to cultivate who you are and nurture your well-being. It is about purpose and wellness.

At the heart of "A Quiet Life & wellness" are four important parts: lifestyle, self-discovery, wellness, and creativity.

Lifestyle is about the way we live every day while A Quiet Living encourages simplicity and intentionality. Self-discovery means understanding ourselves better—what we like, what we're good at, and what makes us happy. Wellness is all about taking care of our overall health and happiness. Creativity is about the way we express ourselves and how we can make our living through what we enjoy doing the most (creativepreneur).

By focusing on these things, "A Quiet Life" helps us live better and feel more fulfilled.

Self Discovery

A Quiet




About Author

Hi, my name is Florence Wanjiku.

I was born and raised in Kenya but I am now based in Boston, where I live with my fiancé. I am a writer, educator, and Instructional designer. I value personal development and believe that the best education is the one that awakens the purpose within us. That leads us to inquire: "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?".

A Quiet Life & Wellness started through own my self-discovery journey. I set out on this journey to cultivate who I am and to find my purpose.