A Guide To A Simple But Effective Morning Routine

Do you currently have a morning routine, and if so, what does it look like? 

Before I started having a morning routine, I was always in a rush. I felt like I did not have enough time to establish a morning routine outside of my busy schedule. I used to feel as though my days were being controlled by someone else.

When you wake up in the morning and react to whatever is coming your way, you are sending a message to your body and mind that you are not in charge- Dandapani

As the quote by Dandapani suggests, having a morning routine is about taking control of your mind and body. This in turn allows you to, respond thoughtfully to whatever comes your way.

To take charge of my mind and body, I had to create a morning routine that allowed me to ease into the day with more deliberation. This involved dedicating time to quiet my mind and activate my body through exercise and movement. As I discovered, a calm mind enhances clarity of thought and proactive engagement with the world around you.

My Simple Morning Routine

My morning routine is simple and takes only 10 minutes per exercise. It consists of a quick brain dump, movement, and silence.

A 10-Minute Brain Dump:

In the morning my mind often revs up into overdrive before I’ve even stepped out of bed. Thoughts about the day’s tasks flood in, creating a mental chatter that can both be overwhelming and distracting.

Mind chatter is commonly associated with negative self-talk, self-criticism, and worry. — The overview

Excessive mind chatter can result in absent-mindedness, poor concentration, and a cycle of toxic self-talk. However, it’s important to recognize that having a bit of mind chatter is a normal part of the human experience. 

As soon as I wake up, I grab my journal, set a timer for 10 minutes and let my thoughts flow onto the pages. This practice is straightforward yet effective. I write everything that comes to mind. This helps with mental decluttering and allows me to externalize the chaos within. 

With this practice, It’s not about making sense of every thought; rather, it’s about making space for clarity and peace in your mind.

10 Minutes of Movement:

After spending 6–8 hours lying down, it’s important to engage in some form of movement. With limited time in the morning, stretching has become my go-to method for awakening my body.

Stretching helps enhance blood flow, reduce muscle aches and pain, and improve mobility. Stretching also plays a pivotal role in improving concentration by cultivating a strong mind-to-muscle connection. — Healthline

Stretching helps me feel more awake and aware of how my body feels. I would recommend the following 10-minute morning yoga stretch challenge. It is a simple routine designed to elevate your energy and awareness of your body and mind.

A 10-Minute Morning Yoga Stretch Challenge

Video by cottonbro studio on pexels

10 Minutes of Silence:

There are many benefits to starting your day in silence.

One of them is bringing awareness to your mind, body and emotions. This promotes improved concentration, performance, and productivity in your daily tasks. 

Another benefit is learning to be calm. This enables you to mindfully navigate and control your reactions in the face of challenges.

Silence can be embraced in various forms. A 10-minute walk in meditative silence is just as effective as a seated meditation. 

Personally, I prefer sitting on my couch, with a cup of tea, reading a book or just savoring the silence. In these 10 minutes, I allow myself not to think about the day ahead of me but to sit and embrace the quiet of the morning.

Creating Your Morning Routine:

Keep it Simple and Achievable:

When your day is full of many demands, having a complicated morning routine might seem like adding another layer of chaos. 

The key is to create a morning routine that doesn’t demand too much effort and time. Simplicity is your ally. Simplicity also shields you from decision fatigue. It’s your shortcut to a morning that doesn’t stress you out.

You can choose to focus on one task or up to 3 simple tasks you would like to do.

Incorporate Activities You Love:

Make your morning routine uniquely yours by doing things that not only bring you joy but also contribute to your overall well-being. Whether it’s writing, reading or going for a morning walk your morning routine becomes the way you practice self-care. 

The key is to choose activities that resonate with you.

Set a realistic duration:

The goal is to choose a duration that adds value without causing stress. If you’re constantly rushing to complete your morning routine, it defeats the purpose of starting your day feeling calm and in control.

Aim for a timeframe that feels comfortable and achievable. I find it useful to set a timer so I can deeply focus on each task but still have a reminder of when to stop.

Creating a morning routine does not have to be complicated. If you already have a morning routine I would love to hear what it entails. I would also love to learn from you any advice you would like to share about creating an effective morning routine.

If you do not have a morning routine, I hope this post encourages you to start. I hope that you will experience the benefits of having a morning routine and gaining control of your day.


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